Stress urinary incontinence has a significant impact on women who have the condition. Never knowing when you might leak a little (or a lot) can interfere with every aspect of living – from social interactions, sex life, the ability to work, playing with your kids, travel, playing sports, and participating in your community. It’s serious emotional stress and it can create other issue such as anxiety and depression.
According to a report from the Canadian Continence Foundation, one study showed that urinary incontinence is right up there alongside Alzheimers disease and stroke as one of the three chronic conditions that is most likely to negatively impact a person’s health-related quality of life.
Though an estimated one in three women suffer from stress urinary incontinence, it’s extremely difficult to talk about because it’s embarrassing. So, most of us don’t talk about it, which means we don’t get help. Perhaps that can change though. When glamourous actresses like Kate Winslet identify with the issue, it gives other women a voice. Read this incredible account of a woman who is the mother of five grown children and has suffered with incontinence for over thirty years.