Recovering from stress incontinence

At the Urinary Gynecologist – True Confessions

For years, I’d casually mention stress incontinence as a concern during my annual physical exams, usually at the end of the exam when the doctor asks “any questions or health concerns?”.  In general the response was something like ‘oh, yeah, … read more

Stress Urinary Incontinence is Stressful

Stress Urinary Incontinence Causing Stress

Is Stress Urinary Incontinence causing you stress?  Depending on how severe your condition is and what your recovery goals are, there are a number of different ways to handle SUI – from simply avoiding situations that may cause ‘stress’, all … read more

Incontinent in Australia?

If you’re suffering from Stress Incontinence in Australia, help is just a phone call away!  The Continence Foundation of Australia has a hotline to help you find solutions.  Their message is that bladder leakage – no matter how light – … read more