Author Archives: admin

Leaks Can’t Stop Me Now

A product placement video by HelloFlo, generating awareness on Stress Urinary Incontinence.  Can you relate? From their website: “We wanted to make a video to show women that we’re all in this together and there is no shame in our … read more

Core Training for Continence Recovery

Birth trauma, high-impact activities, hormone fluctuations as we age – any or all of these can lead to weakened pelvic floor causing stress urinary incontinence.  A program called Coretiques, created by physiotherapist Cheryl Leia aims to retrain the deep core … read more

Pelvic Floor Resilience

When you think about strengthening your pelvic floor, you may immediately think “kegels”, but really the pelvic floor is more than a single isolated muscle.  The muscles, ligaments, connective tissue and tendons that support the pelvic organs and control the … read more

Canadian Women Settle Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit

If you’ve been investigating options to eliminate Stress Urinary Incontinence, you may have come across the Transvaginal Mesh.  A Pelvic Floor Mesh or Transvaginal Mesh is the typical recommended surgical solution.  A small piece of mesh is inserted through the … read more

Stop Bladder Leaks with a Pessary

Running. Jumping. Dancing. Playing.  It’s all fun and games until someone has a little leak.  Likely no one else notices, but it’s embarrassing and a little confidence-crushing.  Women with stress urinary incontinence are less likely to participate in physically straining … read more

Disposable Leakage Prevention

There are lots of disposable leak-absorbing products on the market today, and now manufacturer Kimberly-Clark’s Poise brand aims to help women prevent leakage instead of just absorbing leaks.  Their new product Poise Impressa is similar to a tampon; it’s inserted … read more

Lifestyle changes to Manage Stress Urinary Incontinence

Because of the embarrassment associated with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI),the condition is overwhelmingly under-reported, which means that most women aren’t getting the help we need to recover.  Most studies indicate that less than half of SUI cases are reported, and … read more

Study Confirms What We Already Knew

Women who have given birth vaginally and now have stress urinary incontinence won’t be shocked that a study has confirmed what we already knew – vaginal childbirth causes more long term incontinence than childbirth by caesarean section.  That makes sense, … read more

At the Urinary Gynecologist – True Confessions

For years, I’d casually mention stress incontinence as a concern during my annual physical exams, usually at the end of the exam when the doctor asks “any questions or health concerns?”.  In general the response was something like ‘oh, yeah, … read more

Long Term Emotional Impact of SUI

Stress urinary incontinence has a significant impact on women who have the condition.  Never knowing when you might leak a little (or a lot) can interfere with every aspect of living – from social interactions, sex life, the ability to … read more